Training and Extension

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    Technical Advice to farmers

  • Technical advices and dairy husbandry practical services were offered to dairy farmers during specific farm visits to address their farm problems, assess individual needs, motivate and equip them with certain skills required to improve the performance of their dairy farms including milk marketing and delivery to processing plants.
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  • (i) Farmer Technical Meetings/Workshops

    Day time workshops are conducted in all regions with farmers.

    (ii) Intensive Dairy course

    In an aim to build capacity in the dairy sectors, the Board has continued facilitate training programmes for both aspiring and practising dairy farmers. Farmers are trained in dairy cow’s production and dairy goats’ production. The attendees for the trainings graduate and also be awarded with course certificates.

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    Degree Programme in Animal Science (Dairy Option)

  • In an aim to create an increased pool of skilled and experienced dairy practitioners, the board has continued to collaborate with the University of Eswatini in the production of qualified dairy graduates.

    There students are attached to four large scale dairy commercial farms to acquire hands on experience and are given grades in all these places of attachment. These attachments are a compulsory part of the Dairy Option curriculum and the grades form part of their final year assessment at the University. The Board makes regular visits and consultations with the interns and their farm supervisors to discuss progress achieved and other emanating issues.

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    Educational Tours

  • To improve exposure to a number of effective and efficient production methods, the Board facilitates educational tours for local farmers to visit advanced dairy farms for the purposes of experiential learning. This initiative enables local farmers to learn from other advance dairy operators so they can acquire knowledge on other dairy production methods. The Board facilitates educational tours to well established dairy farmers outside the country.

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