Cleaning and Sanitizing:

(1) Any part of a plant, except raw milk storage tanks but including piping, pumps, containers, tanks and other equipment that is in contact with or likely to be in contact with milk or milk products shall be cleaned and sanitized at least once every twenty-four hours and that A cleaning schedule must be drawn up, be visible and be adhered to.
(2) Raw milk storage tanks shall be emptied, cleaned and sanitized at least once every forty-eight hours.
(3) The floor of each room in a plant in which milk or milk products are handled or processed shall be scrubbed and rinsed with fresh water at least once every twenty-four hours.
(4) The walls and ceilings of each room in a plant, in which milk or milk products are handled, processed or stored and the floor of each room in a plant in which milk or milk products are stored shall be scrubbed and rinsed at such times as may be necessary to remove any noticeable accumulation of soil.

Cleaning and sanitizing a work station:

(1) The cleaning and sanitizing prescribed shall be carried out at a work station or a milk transfer station in the following manner;
(a) After each cleaning and sanitizing of a work station, the operator of the station shall, determine by inspection that the station is clean and sanitary; and keep a record of such cleaning and sanitizing in a form approved by the Board and retain such record for a period of ninety days;
(b) Where the pick-up of a load of milk is not completed in one day, the operator of the tank-truck or containers shall thoroughly clean and sanitize and hose after the final pick-up on the first day or prior to use on the second day;
(c) Every operator shall maintain in a clean condition all surfaces that do and do not come in contact with milk.
(d) Every plant shall be equipped with or the operator thereof shall have adequate work station;
(e) The equipments and materials for cleaning and sanitizing shall be made available by the processor of a plant;
(f) The processor is responsible for the safe and proper functioning of work stations;
(g) The uses of a tank-truck or milk containers wash station and the equipment and materials at a plant are restricted to cleaning and sanitizing the interior of tanks and equipment thereon and washing the outside of tank-trucks;
(h) Processors shall post on the wall of the facility in a prominent place the procedure to be used for cleaning a tank-truck or milk containers including, the quantities of washing compound and water used in the washing cycle and the maximum and minimum water temperatures used in the washing cycle;
(i) The length of time used in the washing cycle; the quantities of sanitizer and water used in the sanitizing cycle must comply with the drawn cleaning schedule in the work station;
(j) The manufacturer’s names for the washing and sanitizing compounds used the instructions as to the procedures to be used in operating the equipment for cleaning; and the name of and the procedure for contacting the person to be contacted in the event of equipment failure or other information being required to operate the wash-up facilities;
(k) The temperature of the water used in the washing cycle shall not be higher than 60°C or lower than that recommended by the manufacturer of the washing compound.
(l) The temperature of the water used in the sanitizing cycle shall not be higher than, the temperature of the cold water supply; 10°C whichever is less;
(m) Information regarding the use of acidified wash or rinse shall be posted in addition to the information required.

(n) Every work station shall have:-
(i) clear space sufficient for cleaning and sanitizing; a floor that is capable of supporting plant and equipment without sagging or heaving;
(ii) a smooth surface that is impermeable to liquids and has a minimum two (2%) per cent slope towards the floor drain; a drain that can be maintained in a sanitary condition located in the floor in an open position with a diameter of at least fifteen (15) centimetres and that is capable of draining any liquids from the floor;
(iii) under pressure, an adequate supply of potable hot and cold water;
(iv) a means of lifting the wash hose safely to the top;
(v) an adequate supply of the materials required for cleaning and sanitizing; have a properly-functioning device for indicating washing compound content have adequate means for cleaning small parts and the milk hose;
(vi) a pump with sufficient capacity and pressure to thoroughly clean all surfaces that come in contact with milk; have a return pump with a capacity equal to or greater than the capacity of the pump to remove the cleaning solution;
(vii) in the wash line on the suction side of the pump a removable pump filter which does not materially impede the flow of wash water; have in each tank containing a cleaning or sanitizing solution or in the line leading from the tank a thermometer clearly; and
(viii) Adequate means of sanitizing all surfaces that come in contact with milk.

(o) No person shall transport milk to a plant in a vehicle or container that is in an unsanitary condition or that has been used for a purpose that may cause contamination of milk;
(p) Milk delivery to a processing unit, plant or establishment must be within the agreed period between milking and delivery or as promptly as possible for good quality purposes;
(q) The processor may negotiate or refuse to accept milk delivered to the plant if it does not comply with the agreed quality and quantity conditions of accepting the milk subject to the contractual agreements.

Cleaning Equipment:

(1) A plant shall be equipped with:
(a) washing areas that are separated from the processing area;
(b) a temperature-control system capable of automatically controlling the temperature in each curing-room, cold-storage room or storage room for efficient processing or preserving of milk or milk products therein;
(c) a boiler or other equipment capable of maintaining a supply of hot water or steam sufficient for processing milk and cream, and hot water for cleaning and sterilizing the equipment and rooms used in receiving, handling, processing or storing milk or milk products; and
(d) thermometers of shatter-proof material on equipment used in processing, cleaning or sterilizing milk or milk products, capable of recording the temperature of the milk or milk product.

(2) A processing plant must be equipped with a pasteurizer having a capacity to handle the production demand.
(3) Where a plant is equipped with conveyors for moving containers of cream in the receiving room, the conveyors shall be of sufficient length and in such locations that the cream can be readily graded, sampled and weighed and, where cream is rejected, the containers can be moved on a conveyor other than the conveyor used for incoming containers.

(4) Where equipment or containers for handling, processing or storing milk or milk products are of metal, the surfaces likely to come in contact with milk or milk products shall be,
(a) Smooth and anti-corrosive;
(b) Without open seams;
(c) Accessible at all points for scrubbing; and
(d) Made with joints that are flush with adjoining surfaces.

(5) Wooden equipment used in a plant shall be of sound material with smooth surfaces, and joints or seams shall be sealed

(6) Tanks used for storing skim-milk, buttermilk or whey that is not intended for human consumption or for processing milk into milk products for human consumption in a plant shall,
(a) be of metal or plastic construction;
(b) Shall not be used for any other purpose.

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