Benefits of working with Dairy Board.

General duties:

12 The board shall:

(a) organize the efficient, orderly and stable production of dairy products and regulate and develop their distribution and marketing;
(b) ensure that the quality of dairy products is of a standard suitable for public health;
(c) advise the Minister as to whether prices of dairy products should be fixed under section 23, and as to any other matter relating to the dairy industry;
(d) prescribe the types, grades and quantities of dairy products to be produced and sold in Swaziland, or exported;
(e) for the purpose of facilitating the efficient, orderly and stable production of dairy products and their marketing, communicate with and consult any person and authority ;
(f) institute and run an information service and advise producers as to the production and marketing of their dairy products.

General power:

13. (1) In addition to its other powers under this Act, the board may, with the approval of the Minister, prescribe for the whole or different parts of Swaziland
(a) that particulars of dairies are to be registered and the manner of registration;
(b) subject to paragraph (c), the manner of grading, branding or marking of articles intended as dairy products, or the wrappers on packages containing dairy products;
(c) the form of a stamp, brand or mark to be used in connection with the grading, branding or marking, of dairy products;
(d) the form of application, registration, certificates of inspection, analysis or examination or other documents to be used for the purposes of this Act;
(e) subject to the requirements of section 8 of the Constitution, the conditions upon which, and the manner in which, samples shall be taken for the purposes of inspection, analysis or other examination in accordance with this Act and the manner of dealing with, or disposing of, those sample;
(f) subject to paragraph (g), the use of preservatives and colouring or other foreign matter in dairy products;
(g) the composition and standards of rennet and of colouring matter which may be used in butter and cheese and the conditions of sale and use;
(h) the manner of disposing of dairy products condemned by the board;
(i) the manner of carrying out the grading and testing of dairy products;
(j) the manner of carrying out an examination of candidates for certificates in grading and testing dairy products;
(k) the patterns and standards of receptacles to be used in testing milk cream, thermometers and glass-ware;
(l) the standards and methods of production, distribution, storage, conveyance, packaging, manufacture and processing of dairy products;
(m) the returns to be rendered to the board by dealers in dairy products;
(n) the methods of packing dairy products, the nature and quality of the packages, the methods of weighing or measuring dairy products and the degree of accuracy of the weighing or measuring;
(o) the manner of handling, transporting and storing dairy products intended for use or consumption by a person other than the producer;
(p) the methods of handling, cleaning, maintaining and storing milking-machines;
(q) the methods of grading, sampling, and testing dairy products, and of recording the result;
(r) the manner in which a substance derived from milk is to be treated before its removal from a creamery, cheese factory, cream depot, condensed milk factory, butter-substitute factory or margarine factory;
(s) the standards, specifications and methods of operating, cow-sheds, dairies, milk-shops and dairy-processing plants; and
(t) the requirements to be met by milk purveyors, persons keeping cows, dairymen, milk-shop traders and workers connected with the handling of dairy products.

(2) The Board may:

(a) hire or otherwise acquire or erect buildings, plant and equipment;
(b) buy, sell, treat, grade, pack, store, process, adapt for sale, insure, advertise and transport a dairy product;
(c) accept money, goods and other property made available to the board by way of donation, or otherwise, and utilize them for the purposes of this Act;
(d) enter into agreements with other persons or authorities in connection with the production, handling, transportation, storage, manufacture, processing, pasteurization, sale, importation and exportation of dairy products;
(e) carry out surveys, investigations and research work related to the dairy industry or cause them to be carried out;
(f) with the approval of the Minister, borrow money to be used for the purposes of the board, and
(g) buy, hire, sell or otherwise deal in dairy animals, animal semen and dairy requisites.

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